Texas Standard, NPR, May 2023
Myriam Vidal Valero shares her findings about the lack of the data and clear science in Mexico's cloud seeding program

Lab at Loud, October 2023
Myriam reminds us how many scientists need social media to connect, share their work, and build connections to help advance their careers. With the recent changes at Twitter, Myriam helps us navigate through the fragmentation of what’s left in the landscape of social media for scientists that still want and need to collaborate online.
The Open Notebook, July, 2022
Parachute Journalism leads to cultural misunderstandings, errors of both fact and interpretation, and the perpetuation of stereotypes. It may also undermine the true value of journalism, says Myriam Vidal Valero, a Mexican journalist based in New York City. “[Journalism] is about bringing stories to the people, so [we] can have more empathy and more understanding with each other, because you’re actually bringing them different ways of thinking [about] the world.”

The Open Notebook
How do people get started in science writing?
Here we collect dozens of those answers from some of the best in the business, each of whom also offers one pithy nugget of advice for newcomers. This collection is inspired by a now-defunct comment thread on The Atlantic staff writer Ed Yong’s Discover Blogs post from 2010. Freelance journalist Carmen Drahl worked with The Open Notebook to collate writers’ stories with Yong’s support and involvement. We hope this guide offers help and inspiration to anyone making the leap into science writing.

IJNet, July 2020
“Creo que las redacciones todavía no terminan de entender que requieren un periodista especializado, alguien que realmente entienda sobre ciencia para hacer las preguntas correctas. Que se entienda que la ciencia le sirve a las personas para tomar decisiones en su día a día”, Myriam Vidal Valero

FundaMedios, July 2020
When journalists covers mental health issues, they must respect and take care of their sources, and establish a bond of trust to understand what happens emotionally to the interviewer. This was one of the lessons given by Myriam Vidal and Rodrigo Pérez, both winners of the 2019 Rosalynn Carter fellowship from the Carter Center, for an investigation on the mental health of migrants on the border between Mexico and the United States.

Criterio Noticias, October 2020
Myriam Vidal Valero and Rodrigo Pérez Ortega worked on an investigation on the initiatives of volunteers who contribute to the educational process of girls and boys who are stranded on the northern border of Mexico, waiting to cross into the United States. Their story was published in The New York Times.

Criterio Noticias, May 2020
We spoke with Myriam Vidal Valero, freelance science journalist and member of the Mexican Network of Science Journalists (Red MPC), who developed the series entitled "Covering trauma in times of COVID-19" in which she highlights the journalistic and psychological challenge to better inform about mental health as well as the importance of resuming mental health on the media agenda.